Thursday 28 February 2008

Like Monday, but on a Thursday

Some days I really think I'd have been better off staying in bed. Today is a prime example of that.

Apart from having to get up early (6.30am sucks) it didn't start off too bad. The reason for our early rise was that my wife has an early start today and so I have the dubious pleasure of escorting our eldest to school. We'd already arranged for one of our relations to pick up our youngest and look after him till nursery starts after lunch. This also means that I have to start work a little late, and finish a little late too.

So far, so good. Right?

After my wife left for work things started to go downhill. Our daughter was already dressed and ready to be taken to school which just left our son, who doesn't like getting ready at the best of times, and today was no exception. After explaining that yes, he was going to get dressed whether he liked it or not he went to play in the front room.

Checking the clock it was nearly time to take our eldest off to school, but no sign of our volunteer babysitter. To save a bit of time I got our youngest ready in his coat and shoes just to bundle out the door when the time comes.

At this point I hear a series of bangs from the kitchen. This turns out to be caused by the washing machine entering its spin cycle and going for a walk across the kitchen floor.

After a short fight I manage to get the washing machine back in its corner. As if to make its displeasure known the washing mashine starts to make a loud squealing noise. Add to this the delightful smell of burning rubber. Yes folks, it looks like the drive belt has slipped.

At this point I powered off the washing machine (again), and opened the door.

Once I'd stopped coughing and could see through the clouds of smoke I tried moving the washing machine drum. Squeeeeeeeeeel. Damn!

Right on cue a knock at the door. I get there in time to see our youngest having a tantrum that he didn't want to go to school. Time for another wresting match, this time with a human foe. I won, after carrying his kicking form out the door and folding him into the car. Nothing like a tantrum in the morning to get the blood pumping.

Following a quick check to see if the washing machine is still in warranty (it isn't) 'tis time to take our other child off to school, before rushing back to get a bus into town ready to start work.

Tonights entertainment will involve me, a washing machine, some screwdrivers and a certain amount of swearing. More later folks!

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