Thursday 1 November 2007

Like a Meat Loaf out of Hell

It looks like Meat Loaf may be having some personal "issues" at the moment.

It has been reported that he pulled out of his concert at the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle due to throat problems. Reading the comments (and from some of the later TV news reports) it looks like there may be other issues.

Finishing a concert early due to illness is bad, but forgivable. Walking out after 40 minutes of a sub-par performance with the parting shot of "this is the last f***** show I'll ever do" is more difficult to forgive.

Metro Radio Arena are refusing to give refunds to the Meat Loaf fans (or ex-fans as they may now be) because he performed for over an hour - a fact disputed by some of the audience.

Here's hoping that, unlike that famous Bat out of Hell, he won't be gone when the morning comes, but instead will get himself sorted out and give a proper apology to those who paid money to go and see him.

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